Sunday, November 30, 2008

Prior Research on ROI

There has been a significant amount of research done to calculate the ROI for building a WiMAX network. There are even expensive Excel spreadsheet/VB macro tools that you can buy to model the costs and revenues for deploying such a network. Looking at the prior research (and the output from a couple of those models - I certainly can't afford to buy a $4K Excel file) I think that I can work up a reasonable model for a region in LATM. I will obviously have to make some assumptions about how the costs and revenue will be different, but it should be doable.

That, paired with discussion about the barriers to adoption, and the lack of a killer app should put forth a pretty convincing case as to why WiMAX, as is will be a tough business in LATM. The example of what Bloomberg did in NY (see earlier post) will start to shed some light on possible solutions. I have a few other ideas that I can then add based on last year's research.

At this point, I'm thinking I will have one draft of the paper done in two weeks. I'll need to talk to my faculty advisor after the Holidays and then post a final version late January.

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